Official ECOCERT trademark

Official USDA Organic seal

Official EU organic label

Any or a combination of the above labels can be used on packaging and in marketing when reselling our products in relevant market places.
Note: Madagascar Spices Company is a registered Operator of the European Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) as Organic Producer, Processor and Exporter of crops from Madagascar. For orders into the European Union, a Certificate of Inspection (COI) will be issued in cooperation with ECOCERT necessary for our products to be advertised and sold as organic according to regulations of the European Union. To complete the certification for the EU, the importer must be a registered organic operator in TRACES.
Certificates which are digitally signed by the control authority at the EU importing country's first Customs entry point do not require a hand-signed paper copy. The digital certificate remains valid across the European Union.
ECOCERT's EU compatible certification for Europe

PDF version: MG-2021-193353-Z-284018-2022.pdf (3 pages).
Certification update: 28th November 2022
This certification spans the the production steps and activities:
For the following product categories:
Organically certified products:
French language version:
MG-2021-193353-Z-282698-2022.pdf (3 pages).
ECOCERT (NOP = National Organic Program) certification for the US

PDF version (3 pages): MG-2021-193353-Z-282699-2022.pdf
Additional information
The authenticity of the certifications can be verified independently via ECOCERT's website at you are selling our vanilla products online, you can link to this page at and to in your marketing.